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Archive for the ‘product review’ Category

HP Mini – Time for an Update Pt2

The reason I wanted to look at the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR) was the HP MIE operating system wouldn’t connect to my wireless router using any of the security settings. So, after a quick look at the new desktop it was time to try out the wireless connection.


HP Mini – Time for an Update Pt1

Although I am on my computer daily, and I have lots of hi-tech bells and whistles, I didn’t have a wireless router. All my systems are hard wired. Not only for security, but since I didn’t have a need for one since up until two months ago I didn’t have a portable computer.

Of course my new netbook changed that a bit. It worked well while I was on the road. But, when I was at home my desktop seemed like a better solution. Then the weather got REAL NICE. Working out on the porch or by my new fish pond seemed more civilized.


Google Ad Planner at 1 Year

As you may have noticed – I am a big Google fan. In particular I like the way Google supports the business community.

Of course it is in their best interest to support the community that pays its bills. However, what I really like is the general nature of much of the information. If I want to use Googles online research tools and then use that information to advertise with Yahoo or Bing or any other site I am free to do so. Nothing to join – no fees to pay.



HP Gets It Right – Almost

Bought my HP Netbook (mini) yesterday. I will right a full review after I put it through all its paces. But, right now I am very impressed.

Hewlett Packard offers the netbook with two operating systems Linux and a subset of XP Home. While I really like XP Pro – XP Home has too many security problems to make it useful for work. One can only imagine what a ‘watered down’ version would be like. Also, the Windows version comes with a demo version of MS Office.

On the other hand, the Linux version has an easy to use custom interface for Ubuntu Linux – a very secure sytem. It comes with a fully functional version of Open Office already installed – and was $150.00 cheaper than the Windows model on display.

Setup was as simple as putting in the battery. It only fits one way – so you have a 50-50 chance of getting it right the first time.

The battery is needs charging. Again, simple, just plug it in. HP uses the two cord setup one with the power convertor which goes to the netbook and the 110 plug on the other. Connect the cords and you are ready.

Final setup – turn it on, accept the licensing agreement, create an account with your username and password, setup the optional instant messaging and Skype and you are done.

There was a User’s Guide CDROM included with the package that had me curious, since the netbook doesn’t have a CD player. So, I fired up the desktop (Did I mention the netbook boots in less than 20 sec?). Opened the CDROM on my file manager and selected the index.htm.

This brought up a page in my web browser with an number of language choices. Selecting English and the first problem – I am running Linux and, of course, the directory structure on the CDROM is for Windows. No problem – I switch the system to Windows. Open the file and select English. There are three choices – Regulatory info, Safety info and the end user agreement.

Here HP had a choice continue using .htm files that would open in any browser or use a format that can only be viewed in Internet Explorer. Guess which one they chose?

OK Hewlett Packard, you have a great product, however, your support software leaves a LOT to be desired.
